Hi! I'm Siria Rizzi and my MISSION is to INSPIRE and to PROGRAM to EXCELLENCE people in their work and in their family life.
In your job: do you want more SUCCESS? Would you like to be more appreciated? How would you like to earn more money? Do you feel stuck in your position and would you like to improve and grow? As a working woman, would you like to solve with effortless ease the conflicts that sometimes emerge beteen family and career? Would you like to be aknowledged, would you like to use some strategies to amaze people around you and achieve what you have ever dreamed for your job and career?
In your family life: are you a parent, educator, teachear, baby-sitter, granparent, friend .... who takes care of Children in someway and you are feeling frustration because you cannot coomunicate with them in an efficient way? Do you feel your children don't always listen to you and do you often get to the end of the day feeling frazzled? Do you wish to spend more quality time with your children?
In your personal life: are you feeling out of shape, with no goals, would you like to regain energy, vitality, health and phisical shape? Would you like to meet your ideal partner? Would you like to rebìgain your balance?
Surf my web-pages and click on the area of your interest, the professional area for companies, managers and working people, or the personal one, happy parents.
You can read the part about the NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming , the science and the technology on which I base my training.
Have a look to who I am, to my background if you would like to have more details about me as YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER, COACH and....
to follow you through the EXCELLENCE YOU DESIRE!
Dr. Siria Rizzi - NLP Trainer (American Board of NLP)
Strategic Intervention Coach (Robbins Madanes Training)